Monday, December 31, 2007

Flip Out!

I will be using the flip ultra video cam for the blog. It works out very nicely and is very portable. Check it out, it runs for about $160 (at the most) on

Sunday, December 30, 2007

DELL to market tablet pcs

I am interested in the Latitude XT from DELL. So interested, that I plan to get one for my first tablet. The price is high but for a cause. I hope to recieve mine by late summer, so stand by and keep checking the blog.

FTIR Multi touch in the making (first video)

Check this frame out!

Love for gadgets

Thanks to I am now an official member of my own blog. I will be posting specifically on computers and gizmos (anything thats shiny), and will try to answer any questions that you may have. Oh and also I will be refered to as Tablet Man, but really my name is Bob.
Thats all for now, Thanks!